A Zebra is one of a member of a horse family, native to central and southern
Africa. The zebra is known for its striking pattern of black and white stripes
and they generally can be found in the regions where there are grasslands, savannas,
woodlands, thorny scrublands, mountains and coastal hills. Zebras stand between
47 and 55 inches (120 and 140 centimeters) tall at the shoulder and weigh around
300 kilograms, although some can grow to more than 410 Kilograms.
are overall three species of zebra namely
1. The Plains Zebra
2. The Grevy's
Zebra and
3. The Mountain Zebra
Zebras have better resistance than
horses that is why zebras have been attempted to train for riding. Zebras up to
the age of one year often take part in running games. Zebras have excellent eyesight.
it is believed that they can view more clearly than any other predators. They
also have night vision eyesight although they are not very much advanced, but
they can also view in nights.
Zebras also have large and rounded ears like
horses but zebras can hear with greater efficient and also can turn their ears
in almost any direction. Apart from great eyesight and hearing, they also have
an acute sense of smell and taste. They mainly are grass eating animals but they
also do prefer short and long length grasses, shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and
Zebras communicate with each others with calls and facial expressions.
The number of zebras found in the wild has decreased very rapidly because of human
activities but now laws have been made for the protection of zebras and currently
some are protected in national parks also.