Deers are commonly found in a wide varieties of places, including forests,
swamps, deserts, and tundra. Deers are widely distributed and also hunted frequently
and they can be seen in any region expect Antarctica and Australia, though Africa
has only one native species confined to the Atlas Mountains in the north-west
of the continent, the Red Deer. They are only the animals with antlers on their
Deer are usually a shade of brown in color, often with white on the chest
and throat. Deer are vegetarians, and they feed mostly on plants. Deer eat different
things depending on what season it is. In spring deer eat mostly grasses, flowers,
buds, and young leaves. In the summer when those foods dry up they eat twigs,
stems, and mature leaves.
In winter deer will eat twigs and small tree branches. If food becomes extremely
scarce deer will eat bark. Deers do not chew their food well before eating,
unlike other animals they have got four chambers in their stomach. There are
more than 30 species of deers living in this world. Some deers lives in clod
regions and some deers live in the hot regions.
Deers are one of the cautions animals. They have an excellent sense of smelling
and hearing. When they sense danger they can run up to 40 mph. Deer can also
jump 15 to 20 feet in length. The largest deer can get up to 6 feet tall. Deers
are plant eating animals and they mostly feed on plants. Since long back, people
have been hunting deers for their skin for making many different things such
as clothes, pouches and food. Now laws have been made to protect deers.