An Anteater is a mammal and generally lives above ground and they are commonly
known for eating ants and termites. Anteaters are mostly seen in the areas of
grasslands, deciduous forests and rain forests of South and Central America. They
are also seen some areas of Mexico and north - western Argentina. Anteaters spend
most of their day looking for food.
They have snouts which are a tube like
structured and have no teeth. Since they dont have teeths, they make use
of long sticky tongue to swallow insects. They like to live alone rather living
in groups and are widely found in the forests of South America. An anteater also
has got powerful claws, by which it uses to rip open the nests of ants and termites.
Therein after anteater uses its long snout to nuzzle around in search of these
insects, which gets trapped on the anteater's long, sticky tongue. They locate
their preys in the wild using its excellent sense of smell. Their food menu usually
includes items such as gruel mixes, mashed fruits & veggies like avocados
and bananas, hard-boiled eggs, ground beef, dog kibble, and the occasional handful
of insects.
A wild giant anteater is capable of consuming an amazing number
of insects - oftentimes up to 30,000 in just one day! Adult anteater grows to
be between 6 and 8 feet long and from 65 to 140 pounds in weight.
cats such as jaguars will hunt and kill giant anteaters, but humans are by far
giant anteaters' biggest threat.