Ants are the most successful species on planet Earth and have been living for
more than 10 million years. As per the estimation of our scientist, there are
20,000 different species of ants on Earth. They are capable of making many different
types of homes. Ants live in a well and organized colony of 40,000 which is build
of simple little mounds out of dirt or sand.
Most Ants live in hot climate
and they range between 2mm and 10mm (0.08" and 0.20") long. Yet some
ants may range up to 0.7mm (1.2") long. Like all insects, ants have six legs.
Each leg has three joints. Ants do not have lungs and blood vessels. The average
life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days. They have extreme powerful antennae by
means of which they can communicate with other ants.
Each colony of ants
has its own smell. In this way they can recognized their colonies immediately.
Ants are so strong that they can carry objects up to 10 to 20 times their body
weight. There are three types of ants in each species, the queen, the sterile
female workers, and males. Adult ants cannot chew and swallow solid food, so they
squeeze the fluid from pieces of food.